Thursday, May 05, 2005

(My Mormon friends need not respond)

Which is better: coffee or alcohol? I can't decide. I love alcohol and all its flavors and how it raises the spirits of everyone, making for a joyful time. But as I sit here, sipping Starbucks, I can't think of another smell I like more. I think I know Kelly Rose's response.


Blogger keely said...

Coffee, cause people don't look at you like you're crazy when you start guzzling it at 7am.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Ha! That's funny, Keely.

You think you know my response, eh? Well, I with alcohol! Mmm...Bailey's with a little coffee is so tasty. Er--not that I'd know, 'cause I've never had it. ;) No, I'm kidding. I have had it-but it was only a taste. It was totally legal. I promise.

I would also like to point out that coffee and alcohol are both legal stimulants, and therefore, are both great.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I knew it. I am your Sam!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Miss Puritan Chickie said...

You're my Sam? Do you mean I'm weak and need help like Frodo, or I'm destined for great things like Frodo, or I have hairy feet? ;)

Maybe you're just saying that you're a loyal friend and you know me very well? :)

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should echo Ms. Mic's response: me and a li'l Irish Cream ge' 'long jus' fine...
Although I do think it noteworthy that the demon rum and the blessed bean are meant for altogether different ends; one is a stimulant, the other a narcotic. Aristotle said that the good of each thing lies in the fulfilment of its purpose, and that to my mind means that a well-balanced person should have both, in quantity, and at their appointed times. Just like Solomon said, 'To everything (turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn)...'

10:19 PM  
Blogger Miss Puritan Chickie said...

Well said, Master Joel! There should be a distinction made between a stimulant and a narcotic, although both are pleasant in their places.

10:30 AM  
Blogger T*ny and R*se said...

So, a week or so ago I had my first glass of wine (last Wednesday). Yuck!!! It was cabarnet! Yuck!!! Then I had something else (the name escapes my memory) at Julie's surprise birthday party. I mixed it with Sprite and it was a LOT better. So, I'm still new to all this stuff and I'd like to find something I like that doesn't have to mixed with something else to be tasty. Any suggestions? Kelly, I know you've given me some in the past but I sure don't remember what you said. Can you remind me?

7:43 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

With great pleasure, Rose. :)

Here are some sweeter wines that I like: for a red wine, Riunite Lambrusco; a white wine, Obsession; and a really great blush (my favorite) is Beringer PVS White Zinfandel.

They're all sweet and relatively cheap (so you're not spending your money on wine you may not like!). But a cabernet is really strong, Rosalita! I take it you don't like dry wines?

For some general info you can go to Olive Garden's website and they describe the types of wines, give examples and do food/wine matchmaking. Also, ask around - I definitely don't know much.

It could be you're not a wine person - like Lisa. lol She says she'll drink it if it's sweet enough and doesn't really taste like alcohol. Hmmm...

8:15 PM  
Blogger T*ny and R*se said...

Thanks Kelly!! I'll have to give some of those a try. But . . . probbaly not this weekend with my parents coming in to town and all. I don't think they'd care for it-- moderation of not. :)

8:43 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

My favorite white is Llano's Chenin Blanc, which is kind of spicy and not too sweet. I don't really like sweet wines as well. Tuesday night, my stepdad took us all out to Olive Garden and I had a glass of Cavit Pinot Grigio, which was a lot lighter than the Chenin Blanc and it might be more suitable for someone who is just getting used to wine.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Oh, and my favorite red is a Cabernet Sauvignon (sp?), but I don't remember if it's Llano or Taylor Fladgate.

I've not yet found a blush that I like.

3:18 PM  
Blogger T*ny and R*se said...

Thanks. :)

12:29 PM  
Blogger Rhology said...

Yeah, the worst thing about alcohol is that it tastes like alcohol.
The worst thing about coffee is that it doesn't taste like it smells. Which is why I usually have a little coffee with my cream and sugar.

6:22 AM  

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