Thursday, September 22, 2005

La Caja Tonta

I never ever thought that I would be saying this, but I have to confess that I'm developing an obsession with TV.

Aaron and I don't really like TV. I haven't watched a TV show regularly (or even more than once a quarter) since I was in high school. I like movies. That's why we have a TV. Just for movies. But when we moved into our apartment we discovered that, by some mistake on the part of Cox, we have cable. Aaron thought, cool - we've got the Weather Channel. I thought, yuck.

But then we ended up browsing channels a couple times. And then I decided to browse by myself one day. And now it's something I have to fight against doing everyday. What? Not only this, but Aaron has given me strict orders not to watch Laguna Beach on MTV. He has to tell me not to watch Laguna Beach??? This is bad. Very bad.

Since I've been watching a significant (well, compared to before) amount of cable this month, I've felt more uneasy, competitive, insecure, idle, lazy, angry and just plain yucky. What is it about TV that makes all of my self-discipline fly out the window???

So, I'm off, to clean, cook and devour my P.G. Wodehouse book.


Blogger T*ny and R*se said...

I totally understand what you mean--that's commonly happened to me in the past. Yuck--and when you think about the worldviews behind some of those shows you really have to wonder why we, with a Christian worldview, would ever be lured in. In any case, we're keeping our television in the closet (now that we have one for the football season) just so I don't have to worry about that temptation. I may not be cultivating self-discipline this way but at least I'm keeping my head clear. [TV really affects my thoughts.]

5:24 AM  
Blogger T*ny and R*se said...

Does that say "The foolish box?"

5:24 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Tonto can mean foolish, silly, etc. But the way I've heard it translated (and liked) was "the stupid box", or "the idiot box".

It's encouraging to hear I'm not the only wife that is tempted with silly distractions!

Thanks, Rose. :)

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not the only wife-- not the only housekeeper, either! We aren't allowed to turn on the TV during the day--The Dad's orders. But as soon as the clock says dinnertime, it's open season. I waste more time watching movies I've already seen than is justifiable. I suppose we could argue, though, about what exactly is justifiable concerning TV-watching.

The problem with thinking of housekeeping as my job (like Mom tells me to) is that as soon as my eight-hour day is over, I lose the inertia of diligence that I built up throughout the day. And believe me, it's hard enough to get started every makes it much worse to be thinking of what I'll watch on TV when I'm done!

At least blogs aren't taking up as much of my time now. I've moved from one technological addiction to another!

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That post is kinda ironic~ I was thinking about you today and how it would be nice for you, Aaron, Jeff and I to get together and watch a movie....

I sympthaize with you. I grew up in a TV house, on 24/7. But Jeff and I decided not to get a TV when we moved in to our apt.- and while it's been one of the best ideas I've done in a while not watching TV is also possibly one of the hardest habits for me to break. I sometimes have to talk myself out of going to the Union between classes to get my Law and Order fill. Mabey just unpluging the cable wire (or 'losing' it) would help

Laurie Sapp

5:40 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...


Movies are great! And, by the way, we'd love to hang out sometime.

I've thought of unplugging the cable or TV during the day just to make it one step harder. I think the convenience of the remote is part of the irresistability.

Thanks for the input. :)

Thanks for being honest. :)

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm struggling with sin too. I find that Psalm 42 helps.

6:46 PM  
Blogger AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Hey there, Thanks for your comment about my door. I didn't take the door off the hinges, I just painted it while it was open (inside my entry)...and let it dry really well before closing it.

I hope that helps!

Have a great weekend.

1:00 PM  

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