A Kindred Spirit
I know that I said I'd be blogging about saving face for my next post, but my mind is just not there.
I read a squib by RC Sproul, Jr. in praise of one of his closest friends and fellow workers for the Kingdom, Laurence Windham. What struck me was his earnest desire that God allow their paths to be one as they grow - and that, thus far, God has granted him that request. Laurence and RC both live in or near Bristol, Virginia and are pastors at St. Peter Presbyterian Church there, along with working closely at the Highlands Study Center.
My own thoughts quickly turned to my own close friend, Chrystoval (a nickname of course!). With having the huge event of graduation still fresh in my mind, it dawned on me anew how Chrystoval and I have both graduated together. Although our friendship has only spanned 6 years, our lives have been made up with amazingly different circumstances. Yet, in spite of our different paths, it seems that we are still walking together. I am so blessed to have such a sister with whom I labor for the Kingdom, grow in grace and simply enjoy life. This gentle, quiet soul has by her very God-given nature both inspired, condemned and encouraged me in the years that we've known each other. Thank you, Chrystoval.
I hope that one day, like RC and Laurence, I will be able to write a squib thanking God for decades of her friendship.