Aaron successfully traveled to Peru and brought back a wife. :)
I'm very glad my Christian friends understand the freedom of moderation. Today I was on a combi from Huaycan and, crammed next to a woman from the mountains with a baby strapped to her back and about 15 others in this tiny Asian vehicle, a man got on and sat in front of me in a seat that faced me. He started saying things that I couldn't understand, and I just couldn't figure out who he was talking to. Umm - it was no one. Woo hoo! A very alarmed Kelly. I figured out he was drunk when he breathed in my direction and (in English no less!!) says betwen mumblings, "I'm just so F*@%$ng tired!!". Wow. He continued to yell maledictions to someone unknown and something about wanting to be left alone while I started getting nervous about my stop coming soon - I'd have to climb over the guy!
Aaron and I are off to see the ancient Incan city of Macchu Picchu near Cuzco, Peru (think "Emperor's New Groove"). I wanted to see in person the inspiration that brought Inca Kola - famous for being the only soda to outsell Coca-Cola in its own country. They say the hills sing there... ;)
(From: http://www.pbarrette.com/Pics/South%20America/html/image76.htm)
Which is better: coffee or alcohol? I can't decide. I love alcohol and all its flavors and how it raises the spirits of everyone, making for a joyful time. But as I sit here, sipping Starbucks, I can't think of another smell I like more. I think I know Kelly Rose's response.
Random not-quite-pithiness: