Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Once-a-Month Cooking?

Yeah. I'm skeptical too.

But I'm taking "How to Be a Wife 101"-type courses from the Mother Cook, and, of course, grocery budgeting and meal planning is a huge part of that. I'm looking, studying and figuring and, lo and behold, I think this method is cheaper and more efficient.

Has anyone ever heard of it? You plan meals for either two-weeks (beginners) or one month, buy the groceries for them, spend one looooooong day cooking and freezing, and then have ready to thaw and heat meals. It's cheaper because you buy ahead and in bulk, and more efficient because meals are ready-made.

It was a method developed by a missionary wife and the book was published by Focus on the Family. In the preface she discussed how well this method complimented God's desire for us to show hospitality.

It seems really appealing to me: a month long to-do list all finished in one day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Importance of Pithiness

"All our discontents about what we want appeared to me to spring from the want of thankfulness for what we have." Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe

The above is just an example of what I've stated in the title. Isn't it funny how one succint sentence can hit home in a moment what an entire chapter or book is trying to explain?

I love pithy quotations.

And p.s. we'll have to indefinitely postpone/cancel the thoughts on the emperor's new clothes thing. I'm planning a wedding now! :) I miss the time to think and talk and read - but not as much as I desire to marry this man God has given me. ;)

Monday, June 06, 2005

The Emperor's New (Fill in the Blank)

I wanted to think and write a little about a topic the McIntyre ladies have been calling the emperor's new clothes syndrome (or something like it, anyway).

Will return shortly!